Pointer to

The alt.backrubs Archive

At sites in: the USA | Japan | Sweden | Canada

Last changed on 1 April 2001

What is the alt.backrubs archive?

The archive is a collection of postings to the Usenet newsgroup alt.backrubs. The postings are stored in files by topic. The archive includes a list of file categories and brief description of the contents of every file. A real index is being prepared.

What is alt.backrubs?

The alt.backrubs newsgroup functions primarily as a place for discussion of massage techniques and principles, and issues related to massage including bodywork therapies, e.g. Rolfing.

Where is the alt.backrubs archive?

The alt.backrubs archive is available at four sites. Between 07:00 and 19:00 Eastern Time (GMT -5) please do not use the UWO site. At all other times choose whichever you want.

What time is it?

If you ask nicely I'll tell you what the current Eastern time is. The U.S. Naval Observatory's timezone resources include a large (192 Kb) JPEG map and links to useful resources.

J. Blustein (<jamie@csd.uwo.ca>)

The alt.backrubs archive is Bobby approved and labelled with Internet Content Rating Association (ICRA).