Footnotes to my ZBS page


`"Here's a kiss for you!"'
Ruby says this just before she blows away a slimey (a genetically engineered assassin) in one of the first Ruby episodes. She also uses this as a tag line in Ruby 4 part 3.
Musical note:
I've heard the quote in Pucinni's Tosca but it might be even earlier.
`Feets do your stuff!'
Jack says this a few times in The Fourth Tower of Inverness. It isn't just that Fourth Tower is campy at times but that a major theme throughout Jack's adventures (particularly in Dreams of India) is the integration and fragmentation of the soul, often represented by the body.


Ruby 3 (part 2): The Invisible World was produced by ZBS in 1991. Snow Crash is copyright 1992 by Neal Stephenson. (For more information about the novel see Mark Hughes's Snow Crash page.)

ZBS address information is now part of my ZBS page!
J. Blustein

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