Hypertext References: Link Types

Link Relationship Values in HTML

Citation Note: HTML 1.0

This is a citation record for the document entitled Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) Generated from the Hypertext March 15, 1993. I think I originally got the PostScript® source from info.cern.ch using FTP. If I still have the source then it is on tape -- I have not located a softcopy on a local disk, at CERN or w3.org.

J. Blustein (http://www.csd.uwo.ca/~jamie)

The document begins like this:

Hypertext Markup Language                       Tim Berners-Lee, CERN
RFCxxxx                         Daniel Connolly, Convex Computer Corp.
                                                           March 1993

                      HYPER TEXT MARKUP LANGUAGE

       A Representation of Textual Information and Meta Information
             for Retrieval and Interchange.

1. Status of this Document

Distribution of this document is unlimited. The document is a draft form of a standard for interchange of information on the network which is proposed to be registered as a MIME (RFC1341) content type. Please send comments to timbl@info.cern.ch or the discussion list www-talk@info.cern.ch.

This is version 1.0 of this specification. This document is available in hypertext on the World-Wide Web as http://info.cern.ch/hypertext/WWW/MarkUp/HTML.html

Updated versions

In late December 1995, I found copies of several old documents about HTML and the WWW at http://www.w3.org/pub/WWW/MarkUp/PubHistory.html. That list did not include the document that this is a citation record for. I recall seeing an updated list of relationship values by Dan Connoly before then that included many hierarchy elements such as ToC (for Table of Contents) and a note that they were used at W3O to generate linear versions of their HTML documents. I did not make a local copy because I naïvely expected it would continue to be accessible at W3O. I think that document was at http://www.w3.org/pub/WWW/Relationships.html but I'm not sure.

Found 'em!

On 3 June 1996, the document (or something closely resembling it) resurfaced at W3O. I have made local copies of some of it and some related documents.

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