J. Blustein

Notices for my students

About Publishing

Publishing is an important part of the work we do as academics and researchers.  Every one of my Masters of Computer Science students should aim to have their thesis result in a publication, and every one of my doctoral students should aim to have, on average, one publication per year of study.

Despite the pressure to publish there are certain rules which must never be violated: Anything we publish must conform to the requirements set out in the Dalhousie University Policy On INTEGRITY IN SCHOLARLY ACTIVITY as amended on 29 January 2011 document (in PDF).

Authorship and Acknowledgments

That means, amongst other things,

  1. that no student of mine may submit anything for publication without my prior approval (§2.3), and
  2. that every author must have contributed to the article in at least one of the following three ways:
    • [by having] made a significant intellectual contribution to the [article] (§2.1 my emphasis)
    • [by having] written a portion of the [article] (§2.1)
    • [by having] produced data [that is] included in [the article] (§2.1)


Contributors (whether people or institutions) who provided ideas, materials, technical support [or] financial support (§2.1) may be acknowledged in the article; however, such contribution alone does not entitle anyone to be an author.   It is my responsibility to determine the difference between significant intellectual contribution[s] and ideas but it is your responsibility to inform me of any circumstances where I might need to make such determination.

Presentations at Conferences, Workshops, Symposia, etc.

It is vital that someone attend the conference, etc. to present that article if it is accepted.  One of the authors should present the article.  Only in very unusual circumstances may someone else present the article.  If no one can be in attendance to present the article then it must be withdrawn from the conference etc.

Publication Venues

Any refereed venue is better than an unrefereed venue.   National and international venues are generally better than regional ones.

are generally better places to publish articles in than conferences although there are exceptions.  One advantage of publishing in a journal is that articles may be improved by multiple rounds of review and revision.
are generally not as good to publish articles as journals are but they have the advantage that the presenter can interact directly with people who are interested in the research.
Posters and demonstrations at conferences
can be used to promote specific research projects, timely interesting developments, and to get advice on research proposals and prototypes.
are useful for discussing ideas and projects that are not yet ready to stand on their own as publications; and
are often held in conjunction with conferences (which can make it easier to attend both).

Some of the Good Publication Venues in my fields

Journals in no particular order

Conferences in no particular order

Publishers of which to be wary

Beall’s List: Potential, possible, or probable predatory scholarly open-access publishers