LaTeX Stuff

Here is the talk Henry and I gave to the PhD students in Computer Science at Dalhousie University on October 22, 2002 (in PowerPoint format). The handout from this tutorial is also available (in pdf format).

That talk described the dalthesis style. This class file was originally written by Steve Matheson, and then updated by Clyde Clements. Go to Clyde's website for the definitive guide about this class file. If you click on "Example of Use", you'll find a link to download the example thesis he gives. It is also available here , for those who don't want to search for it!

The dalthesis.cls file described above has been installed on locutus, for those users in Dalhousie Computer Science, and has been modified for Computer Science (e.g. it says "Faculty of Computer Science" instead of "Department of Mathematics and Statistics"!).

If anyone wants to download my sample proposal from the talk, it is available in tar'ed gzip'ed form .

Something that was only mentioned briefly in presentation, and no link was give, was SixPack , which is a bibliography and reference manager for bibtex. If you're interested, check out the web site, and talk to Tara Whalen! :)

All the links mentioned in the talk are (in order of appearance):

Some other references collected over the ages (and all showing their age!) are (all in postscript format):